Flow Cytometry Facility
The Flow Cytometry Shared Resource provides investigators with the technological resources and professional assistance for high quality, multiparameter flow cytometry analyses and sorting. The Facility is capable of cell sorting (sterile, at speeds up to 30,000 cells/sec) from homogeneous or mixed cell populations based on up to 48 fluorochromes, sorting up to six separate populations simultaneously, including human-derived samples at BSL-2 level. Facility personnel aid investigators in creating efficient and cost-effective experimental designs, through optimizing cytometry-specific reagent and fluorochrome selection, and offer assistance in operation of analysis instruments. Technical support is also provided for analyses of flow and imaging cytometry data for publication, presentation, and inclusion in grant applications, management of cytometric data (storage, archiving, and retrieval), and management of a site license for low-cost post-acquisition analysis software.

- Multi-parameter flow cytometry analysis (up to 35 colors in traditional mode, 48 colors in spectral mode) supporting experimental protocols.
- Fluorescence cell sorting (sterile) at rates up to 30,000 cells/second while sorting up to six populations simultaneously, utilizing 48 (FACSymphony S6 SE), 32 (MoFlo Astrios), or 9 fluorescent detectors (FACSMelody), all under BSL-2 conditions if necessary. All cell sorters can perform clonal sorting into multi-well plates. Spectral cytometry is an option with the FACSymphony S6 SE.
- Training and Consulting: Training of investigators on “user-friendly” flow cytometry instrumentation. Consulting, assisting in development of appropriate staining protocols/techniques.
Equipment & Features
Master Configuration/Fluorochrome List
Analysis Instruments:
- FACSymphony A5 SE I with high-throughput samplers (HTS) – 5 lasers; 35 fluorochromes traditional, up to 48 colors spectral
- FACSymphony A5 SE II with high-throughput samplers (HTS) – 5 lasers; 35 fluorochromes traditional, up to 48 colors spectral
- FACSymphony A3 with high-throughput sampler (HTS) – 5 lasers; 28 fluorochromes
- LSRII – 4 lasers; 18 fluorochromes
- FACSCelesta with high-throughput sampler (HTS) – 3 lasers; 12 fluorochromes
Cell Sorting Instruments (available at BSL2+ level):
For pricing information, visit iLab or contact the managing director.
This facility is supported in part by a Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) awarded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to the Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) has introduced new standards for grant applications to address an increasing trend of reports of failure to replicate important basic/preclinical studies.
The Wistar Institute
Flow Cytometry Facility
Rooms 362-364
3601 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19104
Luis J. Montaner, D.V.M., M.Sc., D.Phil.
Scientific Director
Jeffrey S. Faust, B.A., M.B.A.
Managing Director
John Fundyga, B.S.
Associate Managing Director
9:30 am-5:30 pm
[User-friendly analysis instruments are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hours when personnel are typically on site are shown. Appointments outside typical hours are available by appointment. Contact the facility to make arrangements.]