we empower the potential, promise and impact of Wistar Science.
With your support, we’re making seminal discoveries in science and medicine that will improve lives.
As this report demonstrates, your generosity fosters scientific potential, brings ideas to life, breaks down barriers and impacts lives around the globe. Your investment in Wistar science enables our scientists to address the medical needs of today and build a healthier world for tomorrow. Thank you.
The Power of
Philanthropy in 2021
No. of donors
Together, you gave more than
Annual Gifts
Your gift had an immediate impact. Donors who give annually help address emerging and high-priority needs.
Donors who have donated the past 5 consecutive years
First-time donors
Endowed Gifts
Your gift has an enduring impact. Donors to endowed funds provide the Institute with a steady, predictable and perpetual source of income.
Your gift has an enduring impact. Donors to endowed funds provide the Institute with a steady, predictable and perpetual source of income.
Value of The Wistar Institute Endowment (at the close of 2021)
$0MMade available in 2021 from endowment funds to support research and training
$0MYour Impact on Advancing Science
Philanthropic support drives our research enterprise in the areas of
cancer research and vaccine and immunotherapy development.
The Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center
In the spring of 2022, Wistar received a $10 million donation from Wistar Trustee Ronald Caplan and his wife, Ellen, to name Wistar’s prestigious National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated Cancer Center.
Center for Advanced Therapeutics
In the fall of 2021, an anonymous donor made a transformational $20 million gift to create a new Center for Advanced Therapeutics.
50 Years of Supporting Scientists at Wistar
The Pew Charitable Trusts shares a commitment to advancing human health and supporting outstanding science. There is a long history between Pew and Wistar, with Pew having supported our scientists for more than 50 years. Read about their steadfast commitment.
Advancing High-Risk, High-Reward Science and Technologies
Educating the Scientific Leaders of Tomorrow
Over the last 130 years, we have learned that we must constantly fuel the flame of discovery and hand off the torch of knowledge so new generations of scientific leaders can carry on our mission. The Hubert J.P. Schoemaker Education and Training Center brings all Wistar education and training programs under a single umbrella to make a lasting global impact on biomedical research. Its mission is to advance a well-trained, sustainable life science workforce — comprising a diverse and inclusive talent pipeline — for the benefit of our region and beyond. The Center will continue to broaden and expand long-standing programs that teach sought-after scientific skills needed for careers in the life science sector.

How to Train an Entrepreneur
Wistar’s Life Science Innovation Course (LSI) provides students with experience in biotechnology entrepreneurship and leverages intellectual property developed in Wistar labs. Learn about this new program and the support behind it.

Fox Biomedical
Research Technician Apprenticeship Program
The mission of the newly named Fox Biomedical Research Technician Apprenticeship Program is to create the possibility of a career in scientific discovery for those who have never imagined it, with an emphasis on providing training in technical disciplines that will serve the Philadelphia life-science research community.

International Fellows Program
Recognizing that the potential of scientific discovery in biomedical research extends well beyond our borders, The Wistar Institute is committed to training scientists to engage in rigorous, collegial, high-caliber and ethical research, in their pursuit of better outcomes for human disease. Read about the new Cotswold Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Lifetime Giving
The Wistar Institute is deeply grateful to this esteemed group of individuals, foundations and corporations who represent lifetime giving or leadership gifts of $1,000,000 or more:
$10 Million +
- Anonymous
- Penny Fox
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Wellcome Trust
$5 Million +
- Dr. Miriam & Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation
- Anonymous
- The G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation
- W. W. Smith Charitable Trust
$5 Million +
- American Cancer Society
- Anonymous
- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Briggs
- Ira Brind and Stacey Spector
- Ellen and Ronald Caplan
- Mrs. Eleanor Davis
- The Ellison Medical Foundation
- The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
- Innisfree
- Herbert Kean, M.D. and The Honorable Joyce S. Kean
- F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
- Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
- The Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis Foundation for Health and Policy
- Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation
- Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance
- Philadelphia Foundation
- PTS Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Rorer
- Sibley Memorial Hospital
- Tobin Family Foundation
- The V Foundation for Cancer Research
- Daniel Wheeler and Amy Fox
Our Campaign Donors
Bold Science // Global Impact
The Wistar Institute gratefully acknowledges campaign supporters who have committed pledges or outright gifts to the Bold Science // Global Impact campaign. List as of October 20, 2022.
- Anonymous Donor
- Ellen and Ronald Caplan
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Anne Faulkner Schoemaker
- Fox Family
- The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
- Anonymous Donor
- Ira Brind
- Dr. Susan Dillon and Dr. William Wong
- Ruth and Richard Horowitz
- Dr. Herbert Kean
- Ken Nimblett
- The Pew Charitable Trusts
- PTS Foundation
- Elyse and Max Berger
- I. Wistar Morris, III & The Cotswold Foundation
- Helen and David Pudlin
- George Ahern
- Anonymous Donor
- Citizens Bank
- Betty and Brian Dovey
- Michele Schiavoni
Our Annual Donors
Annual Giving ($250+)
The Wistar Institute gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, foundations and corporations who made contributions from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021:
* Deceased
$5 million+
- Anonymous
$2.5 million+
- Robert* and Penny Fox
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
$1 million+
- Anonymous
- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Briggs
- Ellen and Ronald Caplan
- Daniel Wheeler and Amy Fox
- Dr. Miriam & Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation
- American Cancer Society
- Anonymous
- Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Berger
- Brown Brothers Harriman
- Dr. Susan Dillon and Dr. William Wong
- Gateway for Cancer Research
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
- Mrs. Diane M. Lafferty
- The G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Charitable Foundation
- Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance
- The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Pincus Family Foundation
- PTS Foundation
- The Edward and Elsa Rhoads Trust*
- W. W. Smith Charitable Trust
- The V Foundation for Cancer Research
- Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation
- The Campbell Foundation
- Emily’s Entourage
- Joseph and Jane Goldblum
- Gray Charitable Trust
- Susan and Graham McDonald
- Melanoma Research Foundation
- Philadelphia Foundation
- Simons Foundation
- American Heart Association
- Ira Brind and Stacey Spector
- Fred J. Brotherton Charitable Foundation
- The Honorable Tina Brozman Foundation for Ovarian Cancer Research
- Ms. Gwen A. Clendenning*
- Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diehl
- Innisfree
- Janssen Biotech, Inc.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Kestenbaum
- Perry Lerner and Lenore Steiner
- The Karen and Herbert Lotman Foundation
- Office Depot, Inc.
- Penn Center for AIDS Research
- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Rorer
- The Tobin Family Foundation
- Steve Abramson and Caren Barnet
- amfAR
- Mr. David Anderson and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Anderson
- June H. Chern
- Citizens Bank
- Brian and Elizabeth Dovey
- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fishman
- Dr. L. Patrick Gage and Mrs. Irina W. Gage
- The Anne M. and Philip H. Glatfelter, III Family Foundation
- Glenmede Investment and Wealth Management
- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Goodman
- The Hassel Foundation
- Ruth and Richard Horowitz
- Ms. Anne Humes
- Martin P. Krasner
- Mr. James Lovett and Ms. Robin Halpern
- Mr. and Mrs. I. Wistar Morris, III
- Mr. and Mrs. Abraham L. Morris
- Mr. Arthur M. Pappas
- Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition
- Pfizer, Inc.
- Mr. Richard G. Phillips Jr.
- Helen and David Pudlin
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rock
- Martha W. Rogers Charitable Trust
- The Mary & Emanuel Rosenfeld Foundation
- Emily Brown Shields
- Dr. and Mrs. Richard Siegel
- William A. Slaughter, Esq.
- Mr. James Troyer
- Constance and Sankey Williams
- Robert and Marta Adelson
- Basser Research Center for BRCA
- Mrs. Lee Berg
- Ms. Stacy Chern and Mr. Ty Wu
- Mr. and Mrs. Winston Churchill
- Mrs. Margaret F. Cristofalo
- Mrs. Eleanor Davis
- Joseph Grusemeyer
- Mr. Corey Lieblein
- Mr. Ira M. Lubert
- Mr. Ken Nimblett
- Drs. Paul and Bonnie Offit
- Inés and William* Rhoads
- Mr. Eric Rugart
- The Scholler Foundation
- Ms. Judith E. Soltz, Esq. and Mr. Richard S. Belas
- Susan R. and John W. Sullivan Foundation
- Mr. James Wistar
- Anonymous
- Cozen O’Connor
- Mr. John F.X. Fenerty, Jr.
- Mrs. Shelly Fisher
- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Fitzpatrick
- Geo-Solutions, Inc.
- Life Science Cares Philadelphia
- Life Sciences Pennsylvania
- Mr. Jeff Lotman
- Kathleen Ellen O’Neill and Joseph S. Zajaczkowski
- Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Pesce
- Joseph and Monica Robinson
- Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stanbach
- Stripes
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Teesdale
- Mr. Gil Wistar
- Anonymous (2)
- Mrs. Eileen Baird*
- Ms. Mary E. Bak
- Mr. Thomas J. Baldoni
- Mr. Peter A. Benoliel and Ms. Willo Carey
- Mr. Paul Brock
- Mrs. Barbara Cantor
- The Catherwood Family Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation
- Mr. Joseph Chaple
- Dr. Catherine Chern and Mr. John Auyeung
- Colliers
- Mr. Ken Davis and Ms. Susan Charleston
- Dilworth Paxson LLP
- Lisa Dykstra and David Rode
- Lynsie Feinberg
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fenkel
- Mr. Harry Ferguson
- Mrs. Linda Frankel
- Mr. and Mrs. William Friel
- Bruce A. and Gale Gillespie
- Ms. Carrie Gish and Mr. Marc Rockford
- Dr. Alfred E. Goldman
- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hao
- Ms. Jessica A. Hartman
- Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. Herbert
- Dr. Liza Herzog and Mr. Paul Curci
- Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Holbert
- The Honorable and Mrs. Harris N. Hollin
- Lawrence Hollin
- Mr. Saul Janson
- Ms. Marilyn Kutler
- Susanna Lachs and Dean Adler
- Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Levitties
- Mr. James C. Li and Ms. Audrey T. Yeung
- Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch
- Mara Restoration, Inc.
- Mr. Wayne Marino
- Ms. Debbie Maser
- Ms. Michelle Mayer
- Jennifer Mendel and Fred Fox
- Barbara and Arnold Ostroff
- Dr. and Mrs. Louis Padulo
- Mrs. Cathy Price
- Dr. Caroline S. Rhoads
- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vail Rhoads
- Michael and Susan Rohrbach
- Ms. Donna Roth
- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Schaeffer
- Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schaeffer
- Ms. Colleen Schaller
- Mr. Robert Schindler
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmitt
- Ms. Karen Schulze
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shabel
- Mr. John P. Shoemaker
- Franz W. Sichel Foundation
- Mr. Richard D. Smith
- Mr. R. William Thomas
- Mr. Argie Tidmore and Ms. Shelia Monaghan
- Mr. Joseph Trainor
- Donna and Lester Weinraub
- Dr. John and Mrs. Emalee Welsh
- Jane and Mark Wilf
- Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Zappetti
Our Legacy Donors
1892 Legacy Society
The Wistar Institute’s 1892 Legacy Society is a special group of supporters who have named Wistar in their estate plans or established deferred gifts in support of lifesaving biomedical research. Wistar appreciatively recognizes these members as of December 31, 2021:
* Deceased
- Anonymous, In memory of Bernard J. and Frances G. O’Neill
- Francis X. Bresnan
- Ira Brind
- June H. Chern
- Dr. Matthew Cohen
- Mrs. Eleanor Davis
- Dr. Kendra Eager
- Ms. Joan M. Farkas and Mr. Bruce T. Downs
- Mrs. Inez Flicker
- Penny Fox
- Bruce A. and Gale Gillespie
- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ginsburg
- Dr. Alfred E. Goldman
- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Goodman
- Joseph Grusemeyer
- Mr. Saul Janson
- Dr. and Mrs. Russel E. Kaufman
- Herbert Kean, M.D. and The Honorable Joyce S. Kean
- Mr. Joseph D. Kestenbaum
- Ms. Deborah Komins
- Mrs. Diane M. Lafferty
- Glorita P. Maida
- Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis L. Meyer
- Mr. Ken Nimblett
- Ms. Rosetta Perno
- Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Pesce
- Dr. Harry Rosenthal in Memory of the Rosenthal-Moellerich-Voehl Families
- Elsa Rhoads*
- Mrs. Anne Faulkner Schoemaker
- Emily Brown Shields
- Margret Skitarelic*
- Mr. James Wistar
Thank you
Your philanthropy propels our efforts to prevent disease and improve global health.
Because of your support, Wistar will continue its quest for life-saving vaccines and therapies that benefit humankind.