The World Is a Lot Smaller Than You Think
Nikon Small World opening night brought to Wistar a crowd of science and art enthusiasts to marvel at the beautiful images of 2019 and listen to first-place winners talk about the work behind their winning image — made up of more than one thousand shots and hours of postproduction — as well as their training and the subjects they like to bring in focus under their objective.
Nikon Small World is a perfect blend of science, art and high technology. Not coincidentally, first place went to the youngest pair ever to win the contest. The pace of change in digital imaging is very fast, but for this new generation of photographers technology is commonplace — like bread and butter — so they are well equipped to keep up with new possibilities. What doesn’t change over the years is the amount of work, passion and dedication it takes to immortalize the beauty of life in a picture, delivering a glimpse into the microscopic world that only a few of us typically get to see.
As a bonus treat, Nikon Small World viewers at Wistar have a special opportunity to admire the microscopic life in a place where microscopy and imaging are a fundamental tool for research and discovery. Science is beautiful and we do it every day.