Wistar Trainee Research Symposium
The Wistar Institute Trainee Research Symposium is an annual all-day event showcasing academic research excellence and diversity in the Philadelphia area. Trainees who are interested in presenting their research are encouraged to submit an abstract for poster sessions. Wistar’s Trainee Association will select a few of the most exciting trainee abstract submissions to give brief talks at the Symposium. Prizes will be given to the best poster presentations by postdoctoral fellows, graduate, undergraduate, and open categories.
Keynote address
Dr. Erika Pearce, Immunology and Cellular Metabolism, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, School of Medicine and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Special presentation
Dr. Ami Patel, Assistant Professor in the Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center at The Wistar Institute
Reception to follow in Tobin Family Foundation Atrium.
The Wistar Institute
3601 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19144